Our world is wrought with connections and relationships. Colours are also a very important part of our life. These colours also have a relationship with each other and this relationship has the power to affect us in a positive and a negative way. Some colours are harmonious to each other and work well together to produce a visually appealing image for our eyes. A harmonizing trio could be something like blue, light blue, and cyan or perhaps red, orange, and yellow. There are colours which are contrasting colours. They come from different segments of the color wheel. For example, red contrasts with green and blue. Contrasting colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel may be described as clashing colors. Despite the name, colours that clash are not always a bad combination if used carefully. They provide great contrast and high visibility. Some colours are complementary colors and are on opposite sides of the color wheel. For example, blue is a complementary to yellow. Green is complementary to purple. A pair of complementary colors printed side by side can sometimes cause visual clash making them a not so desirable combination.
Like everything else in nature, each colour has a life of its own and harmony amongst these colours should be maintained to have a desirable effect of the colours on us. If the effect desired is to soothe oneself, then the tranquil agua colour blue and green should be used with eachother as they provide harmony to the vision and their vibration soothe. If we use contrasting colours like blue and red with eachother, the effect produced may be totally different from what is required and the onlooker may feel totally shocked visually and calmness of mind is disturbed! Hence it is important to understand colours and their life to place them together to get the soothing and beautiful effect for your homes as Colors must fit together as pieces in a puzzle or cogs in a wheel (Hans Hofmann).